TSU Achievement Center Logo

Welcome to the AARC Tutoring Schedule System!

If you have registered with WC Online but are having trouble logging in, please email Dr. Carroll (scarrol4@tnstate.edu) instead of registering for a new account.

In order to meet with a tutor, you need to first register in the system. Returning students, please be sure your profile is up-to-date!

  • Only TSU emails can be used to register with the system (students: my.tnstate.edu; faculty/staff: tnstate.edu)
  • Please use standard capitalization when entering your name

Each center (Math, Reading, Writing, Psychology) has a separate schedule which you can select with a drop-down menu before or after logging in to the system. 

Information and announcements for individual centers are available at the top of each schedule (on mobile, tap "View announcements").

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